Dogs on Call logo - Twenty Five years of Therapy Animal visits in Wisconsin!

Join us for our first Handlers Workshop of the year
March 29th!


Pet Partners Handlers Workshops & Evaluations

Join Us!  Become a Therapy Team!
Here are the 2025 dates for Handler Courses and Team Evaluations

Dogs On Call is a Wisconsin-based 501c3 therapy animal organization. Read more on our “About Us” page

Our Classes

The Pet Partners training course, which is the first step to become a Pet Partner, is for the human side of the therapy team. A therapy team consist of the human and their pet. The course is a one-day interactive workshop taught by Pet Partners licensed instructors.

Handlers will learn the necessary skills for successful visiting, what to watch for in your animal while visiting, and what’s involved in the team evaluation.

There will be experienced handlers present to answer questions and registered therapy dogs to observe in various visiting situations.

Course Details

Member Support

When you become a member of Dogs On Call, Inc., you won’t be stranded on your own.

First, there’s a mentoring program to make sure you are comfortable doing visits with your therapy animal.

We stay connected with a quarterly newsletter, members-only page on the DOC website, knowledgeable program coordinators to help you, and frequent emails about upcoming visits and events.

You can connect with other therapy animal teams by participating in fun group visits, events, and the annual picnic.


Read to Animals

Read With Me is the Pet Partners’ program where any therapy animal – dog, cat, rabbit, guinea pig, mini-horse, or even a llama – can participate to help children build their reading skills. This program works to improve a child’s reading and communication abilities and gain confidence by making reading fun.

How does this program work? Children read individually to a therapy animal team. All Read With Me teams have been tested for health, safety, appropriate skills, and temperament. In addition, all teams will have participated in Dogs On Call Read With Me mentoring program.

Read With Me Calendar

What we look for in Therapy Teams

Therapy Animal:

  • Is sociable, friendly, and comfortable around adults and children.
  • Has good basic obedience skills and can remain calm in stressful situations.
  • Seeks out interactions; loves being petted, doesn’t just tolerate it.
  • Has an easygoing, friendly temperament, displays well-mannered interactions towards people and other animals.
  • Must be able to work together as a team with the handler.
  • Should be reliable, predictable, and controllable.

Animal Handler:

  • Is professional, friendly, and polite with their interactions with people.
  • Has a strong bond with their animal and can redirect behavior when necessary.
  • Is willing to ensure their animals’ well-being at all times.
