Pet Partners Mini Workshop topic:
“Being the Best For Your Pet”
This workshop is free of charge and open to humans who want to attend. (No animals, please.)
Handling Skills for All Pet Owners. This workshop is appropriate for all pet owners whether they wish to become a therapy animal team or not. This workshop focuses on PETS (Presence, Eye Contact, Tough, Speech), and YAYABA (You are Your Animals Best Advocate)
Mini-Workshops are two-hour workshops that offer further information on a focused topic. They introduce Pet Partners to potential therapy teams, and offer continued education to present Pet Partner teams. These do not replace the full length in person handlers workshop or the online handlers course which is the first step to becoming a Pet Partner therapy team.
McConnell Hall, Classroom #9
Date(s) - 10/03/2020
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Meriter Hospital, McConnell Hall