Courtney W. lives in Middleton with Chopper, her five-year-old German Shepherd. Chopper came from a breeder in Sun Prairie; he’s the sixth Shepherd Courtney has owned, but the first male. Courtney also has Wheels, a “very enthusiastic two-year-old Golden.”
Visiting goals for this new team are UW campus visits and the Read With Me / Paws & Pages program.
Courtney favors spending time with dogs and her two teenage boys. She also teaches yoga and Pilates, gardens, and travels.
Featured in the summer 2018 newsletter:
Dog Days Of Summer For DOC At Harbor Athletic Club
Dogs on Call member Courtney and her Pet Partner Chopper organized a fundraiser at Harbor Wellness Studios. Courtney, who is the director of the Wellness Studios, offered a free Hot Flow Yoga class to those donating to Dogs On Call. After the class, visitors to the studio could visit with Courtney & Chopper, Karen & Pete, and Yvonne & Daisy.
Thank you, Courtney!